Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Apple's Siri Technology

Apple's Siri launches a natural interface that should allow us to simply talk to intelligent machines in your work, home, car, education, and possibly even with your government

Joshua Topolsky reviewed Siri’s ability to schedule complex meetings, find somebody, look for a movie, or use powerful intelligent search engines like Wolfram Alpha (Washington Post, 10/6/11). He concluded “Siri listens like a person, and often responds that way ... all of it felt strangely normal.”

It should not be long until other Virtual Assistants help you deal with your car, your PC, your health care, your job, education, even the government possibly -- by simply talking to intelligent machines instead of hunching over a keyboard. It can’t come soon enough. Considering Apple’s long run of brilliant innovations – the iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iPad – we may now be able to get serious help in finding our way through.

TechCast has been predicting the inauguration of “Virtual Assistant” for many years, and Siri seems to fulfill that pledge. New Apple CEO Tim Cook’s announcement of their new iPhone 4S offered a ray of hope for the tech faithful who have been struggling with clunky machines, abstruse software, and bad web design. Life on the Information Highway could get a lot better with Apple’s “intelligent assistant” packed in the phone – Siri – the world’s first serious try at creating a good intelligent agent that really works.

taintedintech.blogspot.com is an example of using technology in the biomedical field.  This is another opportunity to utilize the Siri technology.